My name is Christina, I am a mother of two. I have been dabbling in the world of websites for over 16 years and I love it. I know it sounds cliché, but it is true. It is such an amazing feeling when you take a blank page and bring it to life for literally the entire world to see. I have recently been taking classes to increase my knowledge and skills in this ever growing and changing environment. It has really made me think about doing what I love permanently and being a developer is where my passion is at.

I enjoy photography and throughout this process, I have learned how to manipulate my photos. They go from ordinary to edgy and compliment my social media and websites. I never thought I would enjoy art classes at my age, but it really has made me feel alive.

My family has been such a huge support all the way around and I am very blessed.

A showcase of some of my recent work..



Word Collage